visit a website

美 [ˈvɪzɪt ə ˈwebsaɪt]英 [ˈvɪzɪt ə ˈwebsaɪt]
  • 访问网站
visit a websitevisit a website
  1. We will visit a website that contains information about how the restaurant industry profits as trends in the20th and21st century improve .


  2. When you visit a location-aware website , Firefox will ask you if you want to share your location .


  3. Price is the first thing users want to see when they visit a product or service website , and leaving it out is the number one design mistake on B2B and B2C websites .


  4. Overall , 53 % of Americans , age 16 and older , have had some interaction with a public library in the past year - either through an in-person visit or using a library website .
